Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 69: Numb

This internship is an emotional roller coaster. One moment you're laughing uncontrollably, the next you're annoyed or insanely tired and the next you're crying. Yet through everything, the difficult situations and the ones I will never forget, are my teammates. We're in this crazy journey together. Although most of the full time staff at the AJGA have completed the internship and there are other intern teams, no one can understand what we're going through except our teammates. We lean on each other for support and rely on each other to complete a task or just talk.

Today, we said goodbye to two of our guys. It was one of the most, if not the most, difficult thing I've had to do this summer. The emotions were just so strong. No one was ready to say goodbye or see the team slowly start to go back to our respective states. I'm not sure if shock or sadness describes it better, but my heart simply aches to have my team broken up. Through everything this summer, I've relied on Bridget, Landon, Tori, Brett, Tschida, Michael, and Moe to help me. I don't know what I am going to do without them by my side. My final goodbyes on Friday are going to be so hard!

Although it was a somber afternoon, we still had tasks to complete. I went with Tori and Brett on the product run, which was the first time I got to pick up the water this summer. We headed to dinner at a host home and they had GiGi's cupcakes! Goodness, I love those! 

1 comment:

  1. Just thinking about that day and having to leave you guys makes me so incredibly sad.. Was easily the toughest situation I have ever gone through. Also, am so thankful for having such an amazing group of people that touched my life in countless different ways and left memories with me that I will remember forever.
