Friday, July 6, 2012

Let Go And Let God

When I was speaking with my mother today she gave me an update about a person that I knew in high school. This guy was a soccer star and hung out with the popular crowd. I didn't know him personally--in fact, I'm not sure I ever spoke to him--but he seemed like a nice person. My mother told me that he recently decided to join the Catholic Priesthood. (crickets) Yeah, my jaw dropped. This kid who had everything going for him in high school decided to join the priesthood? I never would have guess... ever! At first, the new information about this acquaintance was shocking, but as it sunk in I have a new respect and awe for this man.
He told my mom that he had heard God knocking for a while and tried to ignore it, but finally he couldn't keep the door shut anymore. What a calling! I see the beauty in taking the time to hear and understand the Lord, but I am inspired by hearing what the Lord has to say, letting go of the reins on your life, and letting God take over. It's an amazing process and where God is leading him is perhaps the most rewarding profession.
I am a Christian, so I know of this process. Yet, looking at my own life, I can't say that I have let God take full control. I'm a control freak and love to have my days and weeks planned out, but what if my plans aren't the same as God's? Do I listen? Do I change my path and go the direction that the Lord wants me to? I want to say yes, but I know that I can do better and that I am sometimes selfish. I want to hear God every moment of every day, but I must first learn to clear my mind and my life of meaningless clutter. I know the difference between right and wrong and I believe that I am letting God steer my life subconsciously, but I want to consciously let Him take over. It's the greatest gift I can give myself. Perhaps my mom running into that boy from my high school and sharing his story was God's way of saying, "Listen." If so, then it worked. My ears, eyes, and heart are open.

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