Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kicks and Giggles

Somehow I always end up writing a blog post before a big exam... What are you going to do? If you're me, turn on the Harry Potter marathon and crank out a post. Plus, today was too good of a day not to write about, so here we gooo!
My day consisted of church, brunch, studying, gym, dinner with friends, ice cream, and now Harry Potter. Not too bad, right? Church this morning was especially good; I have found myself seeing and understanding deeper meanings of bible passages each time I leave the Catholic Center. Today, the priest spoke about how people can see the same situation in different ways. Some can see the positive and some only see the negative--those Debbie Downers drive me nuts! But, his point was a valid one. We can spend out lives wallowing in the negative aspects of our lives, but that will only lead us to disappointment after disappointment. My goal has been and will continue to be to find the good in every day, situation, and moment.
For dinner, I went with some friends to a sushi place. I can't remember laughing so much in one hour. Afterwards, we hung out for a little bit and went to get ice cream. My roommate and I ended up splitting a peanut butter double chocolate half gallon... Yeah, I'm a happy camper. But it's something as simple as ice cream that negates the hours of studying that I've suffered through over the past few days. Simple happiness. It's pure; it's honest; it's life. And life is pretty darn good.

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