Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life is sweet

So many times I see posts or Buzzfeed links to articles on how to live a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life. I click on the links and read the articles and, many times, repost them. It's a never ending cycle. However, what I have failed to realize until now is that every time I clicked on those articles I was saying, consciously or not, that I believe my own life isn't healthy enough, that I'm not happy, and that there are simple steps I can follow to make my life more meaningful. These articles are asking me to "buy in" to the idea that even when I'm at my best, I can be better. Constantly. Better. It makes me tired just thinking about it.

What I've come to realize is that it's a never ending cycle of disappointment. I read an article that told me I didn't know ABC about being in my 20s and I could be happier if I did XYZ. These social pressures make me look at my parents, who grew up before this huge social media presence, and ask if they were happy in their 20s. How could they be? They didn't have these articles and social media posts helping them be happier and healthier. Yet, I reflect on this past weekend when my brother and his fiancé (now wife) said their vows surrounded by family and friends. I could feel the love and friendship radiating from each and every person in the room. That is a life worth living for and a life to strive for, but I can guarantee that you won't find that in a Buzzfeed article.

Just a few days away from the clutter of social media made me realize that I'm tired of trying to perfect my life. When I block out social media, I can see that my life is pretty great. Sure, I fall and go through tough times, but who doesn't. Those tough times don't mean that I'm any less happy than my neighbor. Those harder life moments are where I lean on my faith, family and friends. I want to turn my focus to the here and now. I'm choosing to be happy with the life that Christ has given to me. It is enough. So to all those articles that tell me I'm missing something in my life... Thank you, but I'm content with my life. I want to be proof that life is just as sweet as I choose to make it. So, I'm making it a double fudge, ice cream sundae with M&M's, whipped cream and a cherry on top!

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