Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When in doubt, STOP

Just yesterday I was writing about how I was still trying to accept the fact that I am not running for an executive position. Today, within the last 30 minutes, I know that I made a good decision. How do I know? Well, I'm in the process of becoming initiated into The National Society of Leadership and Success. Sounds fancy, huh? Well we have to attend 3 speaker series and one was tonight. I have an exam tomorrow (why am I blogging?), and so I couldn't decide whether or not I should go. I tried talking myself out of going, but I felt a pull and a need to attend. This pull, I believe, was God. He knew that I needed to go. I'm glad I listened, because Alton Brown (the crazy cool guy on The Food Network) was speaking. He said a lot of things, but the two things that really stuck out to me were 1) when in doubt, stop and 2) say no.
His point with "when in doubt, stop" was that America runs on people who can go, go, go, but the successful people know when to stop. He stressed that you must stop sometimes, especially when times are tough, and survey where you are in life. If you continually keep going, you are going to mess things up. That's where learning to say no comes into play. You might be offered a great job, position, opportunity, but if it is not in line with what you want and who you are, then say no. You can't ruin something by not taking part in it.... you weren't a part of it. The moment you say no to something, you become that much more desirable as a person. I'm not trying to be desirable by saying no to exec, but I think that by stoping, surveying my life, and saying no to a position, I have bettered myself. Alton stressed that it's ok to take a break. Other people might not get it, but as long as you remember who you are and what you are capable of, you will be fine, no matter how long your break is.
The fact that I felt drawn to the speaker series and that I got so many answers out of it, is my assurance that God did not want me in an exec position this year. I had to take a break. I have to remember what is important in my life. If I decide to run for a position next year, it will be for the right reasons and it will be after I have my grades and social life in order. This break is needed and I have to keep telling myself that I was right to stop and I have to keep the word "no" in the front of my mind when making decisions. Those two concepts will get me farther in life than any position ever could.

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