Saturday, June 11, 2011

Speak Now

Yes, the title of list post is a Taylor Swift song. In her song, she stands up during a wedding and tells the groom to leave the bride and run away with her. Not something that would usually happen, and I'm not talking about the fact that the groom actually leaves the bride on the alter. Rather, I am referring to the fact that TSwift summons the courage to speak up about her true feelings and beliefs. I don't want this to turn into a cheesy "why can't I just say what I mean" post, but I think that every one of us has been in a situation where we cannot find the guts to say what our heart is telling us to say.
Perhaps you have trouble finding the right words. That is my case 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time my heart and/or my head is stuck in my throat. I am either afraid to say something or my mind begins racing about what might happen if I say something that my opportunity to say something disappears. The moments pass me by where I have the chance to raise my voice. I am a firm believer that the Lord gives me opportunities and, after a certain number of times of the moments not being seized, he moves on and allows me to move on too. So, if I don't say something by my 5th or 6th opportunity, I might as well move on. This whole thing was sparked because of a guy. However, I think that it applies to other aspects of your life as well: not discussing your feelings with a friend, talking to a person at work about a projects, etc.
I believe in confidence, finding a purpose and passion in life, being yourself, and living life to the fullest. I also believe that I accomplish these four things the majority of the time. Sometimes, and this is one of those times, I just wish I could take a big gulp and, heart racing, say what my heart is begging me to say.

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