Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Afraid to Blink

For the past 2 weeks, I have refused to believe that my freshman year is over. It hadn't hit me and, in a way, I was hoping that it never would. Yet, here I am getting text messages from friends a year younger than me while they sit through graduation practice. The texts remind me of where I was a year ago and all that I had to look forward to: moving away from home, living in Athens, and experiencing everything that freshman year would offer to me. The past year doesn't seem real. It all happened so slowly while I was experiencing it, but I look back now and it's all a blur.
I remember being so excited to move in with my roommate. Kelsey was and is amazing! I know that my early bed times and random mood swings were annoying at times, but she bared them. We got to the point where we could guess what the other was thinking just by the look on her face and she could tell when I was upset, even if I was just sitting there. I remember decorating our room for her 18th birthday and still putting up the sign when she walked in. I remember taking our iPods to the showers and listening to song after song (and wasting so much water). I remember her texting me about our dorm winning the Green Cup. Most of all though, I will always remember laughing so hard we cried when we saw the "Burn, baby, burn" picture, watching all of the movies that she had never seen (especially How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days on our last night together in the dorms), and the countless hours that we studied in the SLC during finals Spring semester. They are memories for a lifetime and I can honestly say that I wouldn't have survived without my awesome roomie, Kelsey!
I remember giving Kelsey an "Oh, crap" look when our neighbors across the hall slammed their door on us on move in day. Savannah and Taylor, however, became two of my favorite people and my best friends. I will never forget the country music that you blasted whenever you were in your room (and even sometimes when you weren't in your room). You two were always there to help me get ready for my date nights and always listened when I got home that night. Taylor, I will always remember sitting with you studying for finals Fall semester and switching my relationship status as well as hanging out in my room talking about what we want to be when we grew up. Savannah, as weird as this is to say (and everyone on our hall knows that it is true), I will never forget how you never seemed to be wearing clothes. I remember when we learned that you slept walked. I will also remember
The 2nd floor guys.... oh what to remember. I remember Ackerman stealing a massive soda bottle top for me. I remember the corn conversations with John. I remember AJ somehow always being on the 4th floor when I was in my towel wrap and saying "belt it." I remember the look of shock and surprise on Alex's face when he went to Tacky Christmas with me. I remember playing football with Peters, Greg, and Hayden on our snow days and people jumping into bushes just to catch the ball. You guys were my comedic relief every day and especially when I needed it.
We were the Hill hall family and I can't believe that we are moved out and already getting ready for next year. I know that moving on and growing up is a part of life that everyone has to go through, but I never thought that it would be my turn to move on or my turn to grow up. Now, I'm sitting here researching study abroad programs for Summer 2012 and moving back into my childhood room (only to pack it up again in 2 months). As much as I am looking forward to my sophomore year, I am afraid to blink. I am afraid that if I do, I will suddenly be graduating college and asking people where the past four years went. So, for now, I am just going to remember the good times of freshman year and the amazing people that I was so fortunate to get to know.

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