Friday, January 25, 2013

Blue Vestin' It

Good news, y'all! I'm a Gamma Chi!!! I get to run around and help the girls going through sorority recruitment in August. I will be in charge of a group of girls and I will try to help them navigate the first few days/weeks/months of college and Greek life. I'm beyond excited! During recruitment, the Gamma Chi's wear blue vest to designate who they are. The blue vests have turned into a competition: who can decorate their vest the best? Everyone usually pins buttons on the front, but the backs are all unique. My ideas immediately began to run wild. I could do my monogram, something UGA related, but then I'd want to buy a bedazzle gun, but that could get expensive... The ideas just kept coming and getting more and more outlandish as I kept thinking.

This is where I had to stop myself and ask, "what do I want to portray to others?" It was almost a "who am I?" moment. I have to find and choose buttons that represent my likes and interests and convey my personality to others. That's a lot for a little pin to say. I searched my house for old pins and found a really embarrassing soccer pin with my picture on it as well as a few skiing pins. I also went to a thrift store downtown and found some awesome band pins. What I've come to realize though is that the vest itself is convey a message, not just the pins.

I had to beat out over 200 girls for the opportunity to wear that vest. I'm going to stay up late and get up early, put out "fires," call girls when they don't get asked back to any houses and act as a friend and mentor to my group. My blue vest says that I'm dedicated and willing to help others. When I wear the vest, though, it's my actions and words that show who I really am. So, when I don that blue vest in a few months, I am going to show God's love through my words and actions. The Lord's word can convey who I am better than any pin. I am still going to show up on the first day of recruitment with a fully decorated vest, but it's reminder (although cheesy) that it's what is on the inside that really matters.

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