Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pure Happiness

I always feel guilty logging on to write a post after I haven't been on in so long. I have so many different things on my mind and, being the neat freak that I am, I refuse to write about unrelated things in one post. So there might be another post happening tonight.
It's finals week (kill me) and I feel so many mixed emotions as this year is coming to an end. It seems like yesterday that I was moving into my sorority house. It's been a crazy ride: a lot of late nights, a fair amount of drama, and so many wonderful memories.
My littles and I in the north fountain. 
I just got back from studying at Jittery Joe's (shocker!) and one of my little's came to surprise me. She made me muffins and gave me my moon (sorority tradition: little's give their big's decorated moons). It's so pretty! She wrote a note on the back that brought tears to my eyes. I got home and read the back of my other little's moon and I was crying again. They have been huge support systems for me this year. It's been a busy year, and I wish that I could have spent more time with them, but I love the time that we've spent (which is probably once a week, I shouldn't complain). I got them cupcakes from Gigi's yesterday and surprised them while they were studying for finals. Their look of surprise and happiness made me realize how happy and blessed I am to have them in my life. I can't imagine this past year without them. They are literally the best! And I am sure to tell them that every day!
Although it's finals and I am stressing over my classes, staining my teeth from the amount of coffee I'm drinking, and developing serious black circles under my eyes, I am happy! I have so much to be thankful for and those blessing make me only more excited for the summer and the next year. God is good! I know I complain like crazy--I'm the first to admit it--and I know that I shouldn't because I have no reason to.
Love this crazy, hilarious, awkward, bumpy, fun, beautiful life that I've been given! #soblessed

1 comment:

  1. STOP IT. You are not allowed to post things like this; I am not emotionally stable enough to handle it. But I am so glad you liked your moon and I am so glad you're my big and I am so glad we have the best family ever and I LOVE YOU!!
