Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What did he just say?

Imagine. You're sitting on your couch, watching an interview and the athlete/model/actress/CEO starts on a rant and just keeps going and going and going. Your jaw drops a little more as the time tics on. When he or she finally stops, there is that awkward moment that follows due to everyone's utter shock. In that moment, while I'm thinking "Oh my goodness" and questioning if I just dreamt the past few minutes, one word comes to mind: brat. I feel that the majority of the people who are extremely blessed with money, fame, talent, etc. take it for grated. Many give off the air of entitlement to the next pay check or publicity, when really they should be thanking the mass public for supporting them or buying a ticket to their movie. 
Where is the world going? I admit that I complain about a bad hair day or a difficult exam, but a) I'm not ranting on national television and b) I realize how infinitely blessed I am. My mom emailed me a link to a video of Kirk Cousins, the Michigan State quarterback. He called out the athletes in particular on their sense of entitlement and he made so much sense. He left me with a dropped jaw due to his composure and systematic thinking. He is the type of person that parents can feel good about having their kids look up to. His idea of fame and talent made so much sense and it made me want him to succeed that much more. His good looks sure didn't hurt his case, but you could tell by his emotion and body language that he wasn't aware of his looks or status. He was concerned with giving a speech that would encourage athletes to act better and with purpose. He's a good guy and... I hear he's single! Watch his speech below. It's long, but it only gets better as the minutes go on!

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