Sunday, April 10, 2011

A "Need A Hug" Moment

Have you ever had a lot on your mind and been in the middle of something when, all of the sudden, it hits your that the one thing that will make you feel better is a hug? I'm in one of those ruts right now and it seems awkward to walk up to someone and say, "I have a favor, will you hug me?" Even if they agree and give you a hug, it will not be the deep, comforting hug that you need. Call me crazy, but I truly only feel better after my mom or dad give me a hug. (It has to be a parenting secret.) I think that the worst part about being in a "need a hug" mood, is when you aren't 100% sure why or what put you in that mood. 
For me, I was and still am to a certain degree feeling a little alone in the world. I haven't seen my parents in awhile; I saw my brother yesterday, but he was with his friends, so it was an awkward hug/hello as I passed by; I am still trying to figure out who my dearest friends are, so you could say that I am a little lost. I feel as though I am being prepared for something. I can feel God's presence in my life every day (which I am eternally grateful for), and I can feel him trying to tell me something, but I am distracted by the hustle and bustle of our busy world. So, until I am able to decipher what the Lord is trying to call me to do, I am going to stick to prayers and hugs. 
My mind has also been wondering a lot this week, and I cannot figure out why. I have been easily distracted and have been having a hard time concentrating on even the simplest of tasks. I keep blaming it on the medicine that I am taking, but I feel that it is something more. I am restless. I feel as though my mind is getting aggravated with me because I am having a hard time hearing the Lord. I don't blame my mind, my entire being is getting frustrated. So, what do I do? Sit here until I am called upon? Well, if there is one thing that I know about myself, I cannot sit still for an extended period of time. So, I am going to keep living my life and trying to follow the Lord's light and, of course, keep on praying and getting hugs.

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