Do you ever think about all that you're missing out on? Too depressing to think about? Let me put it a different way.... Have you ever had a stranger, a total rando say hello to you and instead of saying hello and asking his/her name, you just smile and walk (quickly) away? Have you ever seen someone in the grocery store who looks like they could use a little help reaching or carrying something? Yet, because you don't want t to be awkward or because it isn't necessarily your business, you don't offer to help? I hope by this point you're thinking, "Yep, guilty and guilty," because I know that I am.
So many times I avoid the unknown, whether it is helping a person at the store or starting a conversation with the person next to me on the bus. We, all of us, shy away from the unknown. It is not until the moments after I pass up the opportunity to make a new connection or help someone that I regret it. I regret not helping, not at least offering. For such extrovert who can talk to anyone, what am I afraid of? Thinking of how much more I could know if I had taken the opportunities to talk to all these new people, perhaps I should feel sad or even bad. Instead, I feel inspired; I feel encouraged to never let one of these opportunities pass me up again.
I just finished the movie Last Love. In the movie, a young girl befriends a widowed elderly man and they become dear friends. As I looked at the two of them, I couldn't help but reflect on my own life. All of my grandparents have passed away and I desperately miss their presence. I want that older and wiser person in my life again. Who knows, maybe that little old lady at the store, who can't quite reach the top shelf, could help restore that presence in my life. It's a happy thought and there is only one way to find out if I'm right... to rise about the potential awkwardness, the possible weird looks and the few minutes of time I might waste and offer my help. Just the thought makes me smile. One little gesture can make someone's day. Even if the little old lady doesn't need my help, at least I offered. At least I tried.
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