Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I must admit, it has been a little comical to see the new freshmen frantically looking at campus maps and taking the assigned reading seriously. It has been comical, yet eye opening. Seeing the freshmen trying to figure college out has made me reflect on my past year: the trials and tribulations, the ups and downs, the list goes on. This reflection makes me feel as though I have grown in that year, which I have, but not to the extent that I convey to others. I put on this fake "I'm a sophomore sorority girl and I have it all figured out" front, yet, sitting here writing this, I feel lost in my own body.
I go through the motions: breakfast, class, gym, homework, sleep, and repeat. I try to give each day a little flavor, but that only consists of walking a different way to class. I am not new to college anymore, I have settled into my living arrangements, and my classes seem the same as the last one. I feel like I'm constantly running in circles, but I can't get my feet to move. Whenever I get this feeling, the first question that I ask myself is whether or not I have been communicating and glorifying God. 99.9% of the time, the answer is no, so I pray and make a conscious effort to read my bible more. This time, I feel like I have been trying to spread the scripture and I have been reading my bible, but I feel lost, dazed, and confused.
I am trying to find my meaning in life; I am trying to discover what is coming up in the next chapter of my life; I am trying to nail down a schedule of social and personal times. I just know that it is hard to find your way back to the traveled path when you're not sure where you are going.

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