Got to sleep in again this morning, which was so nice! I went into work and jumped right into following groups to rules officiate. Before I went one hole, Adam, our senior rules official this week, radioed me and asked me to speak to a player about her shorts length. The AJGA has a strict 5" inseam for shorts and skorts. When I rolled up on this group, it was clear who I needed to talk to. When the player walked off of No. 2 green, I spoke to her and she started crying telling me that it was her first event and she didn't have any shorts to change into. I just wanted to give her a hug, poor thing! But I reassured her and told her to play a good round today. Then her dad strolled up and tried to tell me that her shorts were close to 5"... I'll say her shorts were a two inch inseam and that's being generous. It wasn't a bad thing to deal with, neither her or her dad were rude, but it just made me laugh. I felt like a middle school teacher, ready to whip out my ruler and measure shorts length.
Landon came and took over my groups again on the back nine so I was able to go in and start getting scorecards into the computer. I actually moved my computer down to the clubhouse so that I was closer to the scoring tent. When the final groups came through, the scorecards were entered and I interviewed the champions, I was able to sit down, crank out a story, and have it proofed in less than 45 minutes. I was pretty proud of that time frame; it proves to me that I am learning more and becoming more comfortable with golf. The best part of the day: I got all of our comms equipment packed by 6:30 and we were out of there by 7 p.m.! A family had us over for dinner again today and had homemade pasta sauce! Delicious!
Team 3 survived week 4 in St. Francisville! |
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