Friday, April 1, 2011


What does that mean? Attraversiamo means "Let's cross over" in Italian. Why did I name my blog that? When I created this blog, I had just finished reading Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. In the book, Gilbert travels to Italy, India, and Indonesia searching for her purpose in life. Her favorite Italian word was attraversiamo. She loved it because of the way that it sounded; it embodied all of the beautiful parts of the Italian language. I just happen to agree with her... for now. I am taking Italian next year, so, at the moment, I love this word!
I think that attraversiamo can mean more than just the surface level meaning of "let's cross over." It can serve as a reminder that nothing in our lives are set in stone. We can always change paths and be better. God gave us the ability to make our own decisions, however he is always there to guide us in the right direction. So while attraversiamo has a direct translation, I translate it to be the ideal, a dream, and a hope.


  1. there are innumerable contexts to which this rich word can apply. I see it most workable when we use it in the sphere of love, the greatest of mysteries. for me, it was the Susquehanna river, when driving the Harrisburg bridge years ago. as we crossed over, I had to make the momentous, life altering decision to propose to my wife, before we arrived to the other set in motion our mutual journey, I took the leap, and she assented and joined the crossing over...attraversiamo!
