Not only did I make all of the cart signs, but I also got to use my own cart sign! I felt to official! |
Today was the Qualifier round at TimberCreek where players competed for the last open positions in the tournament. My alarm went off at 4:50 a.m. this morning and we were rolling out of the hotel at 5:40 sharp. It was a busy morning running around the course getting ready for the Qualifier shotgun, but we pulled together (even with a rain shower)! I rode with Rachel, the tournament assistant, for the first hour or so. It was part of the shadow program so that I could see how she followed groups around the course and how she handled rulings. Afterwards, I followed my own groups and eventually became a rover where I just bounced around the course and helped anyone that needed it.
Ice cream while watching Cinderella: perfecting ending to a long day! |
After the round, I was supposed to film a swing video for two players. The first player showed up and did a few practice swings while I set up the tripod. I asked if he was ready and went to turn on the video camera... dead battery. I forgot to charge it overnight. I was so mad and embarrassed. I apologized profusely to the player and parent, but there was nothing I could do. I will say this though: I will never forget to charge the battery again! I did remember the still camera battery, so I was able to take awards ceremony pictures. Thank goodness!
We finished the Qualifier and clean-up in record time and headed back to Steelwood to write the follow-up stories. We finished up the Qualifier publications quickly and then moved on to the last few things for the practice and Junior-Am rounds tomorrow. We were done by 4 p.m. and the ops team was done at 5:30 p.m. Our TD set a 7 p.m. departure goal; crushed it!
We stopped by Publix after dinner so that Tori could buy aloe, so we picked up some ice cream too! After a 12 hour work day, it tasted so good!
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