Tori and I got to sleep in today; we didn't have to be to the qualifier course until 11:30. It was about a 45 minute drive to the qualifier course, so by the time we got there groups were almost done with the round. Our TD came up to use as soon as we got there and asked for use to stake off the scoring area. Normally the qualifier scoring area doesn't get stake and rope, but it was a wide open area and we didn't want parents coming to the table with their player. Now, stake and rope is a total ops job. I've only helped tighten rope in the morning before the round and that was during training in May. So Tori hammered in the stakes while I looped the rope them. I'm not going to lie, the rope was pretty taunt. I wish I would have gotten a picture, because that it probably the first and last time I will be able to do that job.

When the qualifier was over, Jeremy and I headed back to the tournament course since all of our equipment was still there. I had entered scores into the computer as groups finished, so all of the scores were entered before we even left the course, which was great! We were about to get on the highway when Jeremy saw the Sonic sign and, almost to himself, said "I wonder if there's happy hour on Sunday's." I replied that I thought Sonic happy hour was every day 2-4 p.m. Jeremy kind of glances toward Sonic again and says, "It's a chance I'm willing to take. What do you want?" So, on the 45 minute drive back to the course, I sipped on a cherry limeade while writing the post-round story. I finished the story on the car ride, so all I had to do when we got back was upload it to the website and check scorecards. It was time well spent.
I finished up the Junior-Am work since Michael got off early today and I got everything ready for tomorrow. The last thing I did was make copies of the assignments for tomorrow. I noticed that I was working a full day tomorrow. So I asked Jeremy how hours worked. I thought it was dependent upon how many hours you had worked as well as your role that week, which he confirmed was the case. So I asked him why I was working registration tomorrow night since I have worked registration for the past four weeks. He gave me a funny look and opened his assignments. He looked at a few things and goes, "I guarantee that your TD's have been entering in your name wrong on the spreadsheet so it keeps filtering you in to the wrong slots." Awesome. So I ask if Michael and I could switch tomorrow since I haven't had an afternoon off in weeks. The answer, not surprisingly, was no. It's one of the things that I really dislike about this internship. Things never seem to be fair. It's completely luck of the draw when it comes to time off and even when it was confirmed that the reason I haven't gotten an afternoon off is because of an error on the TD's part, it's not corrected. Needless to say, I wasn't a happy camper tonight and I probably won't be tomorrow.
Something that did lift my spirits, however, was our host mom when we got home. We all just started talking and we somehow got on the topic of New Orleans and the conferences that she has spoken at there. So she started pulling out all of her Mardi Gras memorabilia from when she was the Queen of Mardi Gras. We had a full photo shot. It was hilarious and so much fun!