Bridget and Landon packing up the trailer. |
Today was our last day at HQ! We packed up the trailer and miraculously still had room to spar! I never thought we could fit all of our equipment in our 16 foot trailer, but we did! It took us about 3 hours to account for all of it and load it, but we are now ready to go! All of the equipment we will need this summer, including rope, banners, golf bags and tools are all in that trailer.
My parents came to see me! |
After lunch, we went through a CPR certification class that was a good refresher for me. Afterwards, we had about an hour and a half left before dinner so we took the car and trailer out to practice driving with the trailer completely full! When we practiced driving last week, the trailer was empty. The truck drove so differently with the trailer packed up! We took the car and trailer on a loop around Braselton with one of the roads being a small two-lane road and the highway. The highway was a breeze! The small road was so scary! There was probably a few inches on either side of the trailer when we were driving. We passed an 18-wheeler and I about had a panic attack! I slowed down like crazy, but we made it though!
After dinner and repacking my suitcase, my parents drove up to Braselton to bring me a few things that I forgot and to take somethings that I didn't need... and to see me of course! We talked for about an hour and it was so good to see them! It was weird just sitting in the hotel lobby catching up, but I loved being able to tell them all about my experience so far in person!
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