I always stop by a coffee shop on campus that is combined with a food court. I was next in line to pay, when the cashier said, "$5.35" to the girl in front of me in line. The girl looked at the $5 bill in her hand, looked back at the cashier, and managed to mumble an "uhhhhh, well my wallet..." Normally I would just switch lines; she clearly was going to take a while to go get her wallet, but I surprised myself by blurting out, "Oh, I have 35¢!" The girl looked at me as I began digging in the change pocket of my wallet. "Thank you so much," is all she said, but the thankful smile on her face made my day. It was so spur the moment; I said it without even thinking about it.
It was a simple act of kindness that made my smile and, hopefully, it made the girl's day as well. As I walked out of the food court, my heart swelled. It felt so good to help out a random stranger. I couldn't help but hope that she now does a random act of kindness for someone. Pay it forward. It will never hurt; it will only make you better and happier.