Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Book vs. Movie

We had a discussion today in my English class about whether books are better than their movie adaptations.... Well, in my humble opinion, books are usually better than their movie adaptations.  Just ask any Harry Potter fan and they will launch into an unending discussion with themselves about how many details from the books the movies leaves out. As a general rule of thumb, I don’t bring up Harry Potter with others to avoid this one-sided discussion. I did not read the series, so I believe that the movies are well animated and put together, even if the acting is a little shaky. This is one of the few exceptions to the rule for me.
            Following the rule are books such as the Twilight series, The Blind Side, and Eat, Pray, Love. If I may sound like a Harry Potter fanatic for a moment, the movie adaptations of these three books leave out so much information!  No matter the novel, it is virtually impossible to convey every minute detail on the big screen. This is no ones fault. If a director was to make a tribute to every page in the novel, the movie would be hours long and audiences would not pay to see it.
            Another problem with making a book into a movie is the point of view that the book is told in. Eat, Pray, Love, for example, is told in first person. Elizabeth Gilbert, the author, describes her experiences on her yearlong trip to different countries. Many of her experiences are inner, spiritual changes that can only described, not seen. How, then, is a director supposed to convey these changes, which are central to Gilbert’s story, on screen? He could lay cheesy narration over scenes to explain what is happening, but narration can sometimes interrupt the movie and confuse the audience. So what should the director do? More often than not, the director cuts out these scenes or adds new ones that were not in the book in order to help the movie flow and keep the audience’s interest.
            Arguably, the largest problem with movie adaptations is character identification. I know that writers argue about the literary quality of Twilight, but I love the books and the movies provide the perfect example for character identification. When I originally read the books, I created imaginary faces and vocal characteristics for each of the characters. However, Robert Patterson, who plays Edward Cullen from the books, was not what I envisioned Edward to look or sound like. This can be good or bad. Whether or not the person playing the character is similar to your imagined version, can dictate whether or not you like the movie adaptation of a book. So while I would like to group all books together and shun their movie adaptations, I cannot. To keep my distance from the Harry Potter fans, I am going to respect different individual’s ideas and preferences and conclude with this: how well a person likes the movie adaptation of a book is based solely on individual preferences.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Turn Off Your Blinker

I just finished watching a music video and the lead singer gave me an idea for a post... pet peeves. We all have them and, as much as some of them drive me insane, I think that they are totally funny. So, you know what I always say... When in doubt, blog it out. (Ok, I've never said that, but it rhymes!)
My Top 5 Pet Peeves
1) Leaving your blinker on even after you change lanes (Hint: meaning behind this post's title)
2) When a person sneezes, and their friend, who definitely heard the sneeze, doesn't say "bless you."
3) When a person dyes their hair, but not their eyebrows. So, they have bleach blonde hair and brown eyebrows. (Hint: lead singer in the music video that I just watch)
4) When people finish their sentences with a high inflection. It leaves you hanging for more, even if the speaker has nothing else to say.
5) When people leave dishes out for more than 24 hours... Just take a minute to clean up your stuff.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A "Need A Hug" Moment

Have you ever had a lot on your mind and been in the middle of something when, all of the sudden, it hits your that the one thing that will make you feel better is a hug? I'm in one of those ruts right now and it seems awkward to walk up to someone and say, "I have a favor, will you hug me?" Even if they agree and give you a hug, it will not be the deep, comforting hug that you need. Call me crazy, but I truly only feel better after my mom or dad give me a hug. (It has to be a parenting secret.) I think that the worst part about being in a "need a hug" mood, is when you aren't 100% sure why or what put you in that mood. 
For me, I was and still am to a certain degree feeling a little alone in the world. I haven't seen my parents in awhile; I saw my brother yesterday, but he was with his friends, so it was an awkward hug/hello as I passed by; I am still trying to figure out who my dearest friends are, so you could say that I am a little lost. I feel as though I am being prepared for something. I can feel God's presence in my life every day (which I am eternally grateful for), and I can feel him trying to tell me something, but I am distracted by the hustle and bustle of our busy world. So, until I am able to decipher what the Lord is trying to call me to do, I am going to stick to prayers and hugs. 
My mind has also been wondering a lot this week, and I cannot figure out why. I have been easily distracted and have been having a hard time concentrating on even the simplest of tasks. I keep blaming it on the medicine that I am taking, but I feel that it is something more. I am restless. I feel as though my mind is getting aggravated with me because I am having a hard time hearing the Lord. I don't blame my mind, my entire being is getting frustrated. So, what do I do? Sit here until I am called upon? Well, if there is one thing that I know about myself, I cannot sit still for an extended period of time. So, I am going to keep living my life and trying to follow the Lord's light and, of course, keep on praying and getting hugs.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


We have all had those friendships. The ones that start and escalate quickly and you say after only a short period of time, "we'll be friends forever" or "she'll be in my wedding." We know the sayings and we use them a little too regularly sometimes. These sayings build a picture in our minds of our women or men sitting on the front porch saying "Remember when.." and "Ah, that was the day." So when the day comes that you realize that your "Maid of Honor" is no longer standing next to you in your wedding vision, it can be a tough realization.
Why bring up something so negative? Well, I'm not getting married anytime soon, but I am going through a time in my life where I don't know who I can call my best friend or biffle (best friend for life), as we're now calling it. I also bring it up because a friend (who's still in high school) text me yesterday about friend problems. Not to mention that Stages of Relational Decay was the topic of discussion in my Speech Communication class this morning, which yet again compelled me to analyze my own friendships. I recognize that I am in a transition of friends and it's a hard transition for me. In high school, I was surrounded by a solid, supportive, and amazing group of friends. I knew, or thought that I did, that my three high school biffles would be on the alter with me at my wedding and be the women that saw me through life's milestones.
Now, as I approach the end of my freshman year in college, I am looking back and asking myself, what happened? I don't even have an excuse; two of my three high school best friends are at the same school at me. So, what happened to our relationship? What happened to the constant text messages and midnight runs to Racetrac for slushies? I don't know. There is no question that I wanted those three friends to be the three that saw me through the rest of my life. Yet, sometimes we don't have a say as to who stays in and who quietly leaves our life. I like to think that it doesn't matter; I should be fine so long as I have my family and my faith. I'm not alright though. I miss my high school biffles with all my heart and there is not a day that passes that I don't think about and pray for them. The hardest part is that, no matter how desperately I want them to be a driving force in my life again, I can't seem to grasp the few remaining strands that are holding our relationship together.
All three of them will always be my friends, but we are moving on and growing up. God gives us the people that we need; people to lift us up when we fall; people to celebrate with us in times of thanksgiving. While I believe this, I will always need my high school biffles. Yet, I also believe that we are growing apart because other people need their amazing support; the support that got me through many tough times and positively changed my life forever. So, if you know one of them and/or consider them your biffles, take a minute and thank God for the gift that he has given you. They are truly three of the strongest, good willed, honest, and beautiful people that I know and will probably ever know.
The advise that I gave my friend yesterday is that when you feel as though you are slowly saying goodbye to a friend, recognize it. If you don't want the friendship to end, you have to work 24/7 to keep the friendship strong and fresh. If you don't mind your relationship diminishing from biffles to good friends, then enjoy and cherish every moment that you spend with them.

Friday, April 1, 2011


What does that mean? Attraversiamo means "Let's cross over" in Italian. Why did I name my blog that? When I created this blog, I had just finished reading Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. In the book, Gilbert travels to Italy, India, and Indonesia searching for her purpose in life. Her favorite Italian word was attraversiamo. She loved it because of the way that it sounded; it embodied all of the beautiful parts of the Italian language. I just happen to agree with her... for now. I am taking Italian next year, so, at the moment, I love this word!
I think that attraversiamo can mean more than just the surface level meaning of "let's cross over." It can serve as a reminder that nothing in our lives are set in stone. We can always change paths and be better. God gave us the ability to make our own decisions, however he is always there to guide us in the right direction. So while attraversiamo has a direct translation, I translate it to be the ideal, a dream, and a hope.